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The Fighter
Missouri Needs






A Bold Leader for Missouri

Dean Plocher’s conservative resume speaks for itself. During his Missouri House leadership tenure, Plocher has been a part of passing huge conservative priorities — including the “heartbeat” bill, the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act, bills protecting women’s sports, bills aimed at protecting farmers from eminent domain, and the list goes on. Dean Plocher is the conservative fighter Missouri needs.

As your Secretary of State, Dean Plocher will continue to bring conservative results to the people of Missouri.

  • Supporting President Trump and his plan to secure our elections.
  • Leading the fight to ensure illegals cannot vote in Missouri elections.
  • Fighting to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat in Missouri elections.

Election Integrity

Election Integrity

As your Secretary of State, Dean will prioritize the integrity of our elections, just as he did when he led the fight to pass Voter ID and ban leftist billionaires from sending “free” money to urban voting areas in Missouri.



The failed policies of failed President Biden have led to an invasion at our southern border. Dean will stand with President Trump to BUILD THE WALL and send illegals back where they came from.

Building a Stronger Economy

Building a Stronger Economy

Dean has led the fight to pass billions in tax cuts for everyday Missourians and small businesses. He has signed both sides of a paycheck and knows what it takes to move Missouri forward.

Stand with
Dean and let’s
Make Missouri
Great Again.